Projekt Links
DuMP3 uses the following technologies:
Algoritmus Links
DuMP3 implements the following algorithms (partialy, completely or with enhancements):
- Estimating rarity and similarity over Windowed data streams, Yossi Matias, Spring 2003
- Scalable Document Fingerprinting (Extended Abstract), Nevin Heintze, Oct. 1996
- Finding Similar Files in a Large File System, Udi Manber, Oct 1993
- An Extendible Hash for Multi-Precision Similarity Querying of Image Databases, S. Lin, M. T. Ozsu, V. Oria, R. Ng, 2001
- fdmf, Thomas Jarosch, Aug 2004
Andere Doublettensucher
Before writing DuMP3 I have tested the following duplicate finders (and found them lacking):
- WinMerge - (free) Can detect binary duplicates, but only displays text files.
- DeDupe - ($??.??) Finds only exact binary duplicates.
- NoClone - ($32.90) Finds only exact binary duplicates.
- Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder - ($24.95) Finds duplicate and similar images.
- DupDetector - (free) Finds duplicate and similar images.
- d'peg - ($29.00) The only duplicate finder I know of that detects duplicates of multiple media types. Certain comparisons are very slow.
Hier einige Seiten die auf DuMP3 weisen: